Saturday, November 9, 2013


HOPE FOR DIABETICS AND HYPOGLYCEMIA SUFFERERS * (17 pages) $18 The Diabetes industry is immense. Diabetes accounts for almost half, about 45%, of American deaths. The medical monopoly ascribes most of these deaths to otherwise named ailments that in fact are merely symptoms of Diabetes. Thus Diabetes escapes attention as a major epidemic killer, while the suffering and dying and profiteering from symptomatic treatment continues.

Many Brazilian diabetics and hypoglycemia sufferers have found their symptoms reversed after one to three months on old herbal therapy. Our report refers to many other natural formulas that have been used to successfully treat both types of diabetes. Orthodox medicine can extend your life and suffering; natural remedies and a change to a normal, healthy lifestyle can heal you.
This 17 Page Report is available from:
Scoopified, P.O. Box 277, Bellingham, WA 98227

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