Monday, September 30, 2013

Secret FDIC Plan to Loot Bank Accounts

Secret FDIC Plan to Loot Bank Accounts
The Super-Priority Status Derivatives

Cyprus-style confiscation of depositor funds has now been called the “new normal.” Bail-in policies are appearing in multiple countries directing failing TBTF (too big to fail) to convert the funds of “unsecured creditors” into capitol; and those creditors, it turns out, include ordinary depositors. Even “secured” creditors, including state an local governments, may be at risk. Derivatives have “super-priority” status in bankruptcy, and Dodd frank precludes further taxpayer bailouts. In a big derivative bust, there may be no collateral left for the creditors who are next in line.

Shock waves went around the world when the IMF, the EU, and the ECB not only approved but mandated the confiscation of depositor funds to “bail-in” two bankrupt banks in Cyprus. A “bail-in” is a quantum leap beyond a “bail-out.” When governments are no longer willing to use taxpayer money to bail out banks that have gambled away their capital, the banks are now being instructed to “ recapitalize” themselves by confiscating the funds of their creditors, turning debt into equity, or stock; and the “creditors” include the depositors include the depositors who thought they put their money in a safe bank.

The Cyprus bail-in was not a one-time emergency measure but was consistent with similar policies already in the works for the US, UK, EU, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, as detailed in my earlier articles. “too big to fail” now trumps all. Rather than banks being put into bankruptcy to salvage the deposits of their customers, the customers will now be put into bankruptcy to save the banks.

The big risk behind all this is the massive $230 trillion datives boondoggle  managed by US banks. Derivatives are sold as kind odd insurance for managing profits and risks; but as Satyajit Das points out in Extreme Money, they actually increase the risk to the system as a whole. In the US after the Glass- Steagall Act was implemented in 1933, a bank could not gamble with depositor funds for its own account.  But in 1999, that barrier was removed under Bill Clinton. Recent congressional investigations have revealed that in the biggest derivative banks, JP Morgan and Bank of America, massive mixes have occurred between their depository arm and their unregulated and highly vulnerable derivative arm. Under both the Dodd Frank Act and the 2005 Bankruptcy Act, derivative claims have super-priority over all other claims, secured and unsecured, insured and uninsured. In a major derivatives fiasco, derivative claimants could well grab all collateral, leaving other claimants, public and private, holding the bag. The tab for the 2008 bailout was $700 billion in taxpayer funds, and that was just the start. There will be no more $700 billion bail-outs. So where will the banks get the money in the next crisis? It seems the plan has just been revealed in the new bail-in policies. Main Street will again be plundered by Wall Street. Besides eliminating the super-priority of derivatives, here are some other ways to block the Wall Street asset grab: Restore the Glass-Steagall Act. – support Marcy Kaptur’s HR-129. Break up the gaint derivatives banks. Make derivatives illegal, as they were from 1936 to 1982. Establish publicity-owned banks to be depositories of public money, following the lead of North Dakota, the only state to completely escape the 2008 banking crisis. North Dakota does not keep its revenues in Wall Street banks but deposits them in the state-owned Bank of North Dakota by law. The bank has a mandate to serve the public, and does not gamble in derivatives. A motivated state legislature could set up a publicly-owned bank quickly. Having its own bank would allow states to protect their own revenues and those of its citizens while generating the credit needed to support local business and restore prosperity to Main Street.

Editors advice: If you have money in a major bank transfer it to a small local bank or credit union. They will not gamble with your money.

Ellen Brown is an attorney, chairman of the Public Banking Institute, and the author of eleven books, including Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth about our Money System and How We Can Break Free. Her Websites are and

The above are excerpts from a recent issue of The Free Press newsletter. This monthly publication discloses information the Controlled Press won’t. The annual subscription rate is $25 for 12 issues. Contact: The Free Press, POB 2303, Kerville, TX 78029

Viaduct On The Baltimore & Washington Railroad

Viaduct on Baltimore and Washington Railroad

Reproduced from a 7¼"x 4¾" Steel Engraving by W.H. Bartlett

The Viaduct, is  Print # 39 of 66 from  Volume I
Published in 1839 by George Virtue, 26 Ivy Lane, London


      The Patuxent, which is leaped over so lightly at this place by the arches of the Viaduct, becomes, ere long, a stream which is not only respectable in size, but most respectable in story. It will ever be associated with the name and fame of the gallant Barney, who, though his exertions could not prevent ultimate defeat, did much to sustain his country's honour, and has made his own imperishable.

     While the British squadron was blockading the eastern coast during the summer of 1814, Commodore Barney sailed from Baltimore in command of a flotilla con­sisting of a cutter, two gun-boats, a galley, and nine large barges, for the protection of the inlets and harbours in the several parts of the bay. On the 1st of June, being at the mouth of the Patuxent, he discovered two schooners, one of which carried eighteen guns; and immediately gave chase. The schooners were joined, however, by a large ship, which despatched a number of barges to their assistance; and the commodore sailed up the Patuxent to avoid being cut off from the Potomac. The schooners and barges following him, he engaged and drove them back, and then anchored within three miles of the seventy-four. In the course of a few days, the enemy was reinforced by a rasee and a sloop of war; and joining the barges of these vessels, they followed the flotilla into St. Leonard's Creek, across which Commodore Barney formed his boats in line of battle. A sharp engage­ment ensued, the enemy gave way, and the flotilla pursued them to within a short distance of their shipping. In the afternoon, the enemy made another attempt. with twenty barges and .two schooners. After a warm action, the barges were driven back upon the, eighteen-gun schooner, which, in attempting to beat out, was so severely handled, that her crew ran her aground and abandoned her. On the 26th, a corps of artillery arrived from Washington to the commodore's assistance, and a combined attack was made on the whole squadron. The action continued two hours at the end of which the enemy's ships were driven from their anchorage, and stood down the river.
     The cessation of hostilities in Europe, enabled the British government to send out powerful reinforcements to their fleets and armies in America; and Sir Alexander Cochrane soon arrived with thirty sail, having on board several thousand men, under command of Major General Ross. This force entered the Chesapeake, and a plan of attack on Washington, Alexandria, and Baltimore, was adopted. Admiral Cochrane very honourably informed the Secretary of State that he had orders to lay waste all the accessible towns on the coast; and the fleet, in two divisions, soon after approached the capital by the Potomac and the Patuxent.

       In obedience to orders, Commodore Barney blew up his flotilla in the Patuxent, and with his seamen and marines, joined the army under General Winder. General Ross landed six thousand men at the head of frigate navigation, and, with five thousand, General Winder met him at Bladensburg. The action commenced at mid-day. Commodore Barney had been placed with his battery in the main road by which the enemy advanced; and after two or three vain attempts were made to pass him, the main column fell back in disorder, and it was found necessary to flank his right. The British were gaining ground, however, in every other part of the line; and Commodore Barney was soon left with his small force standing alone.

        General Ross had now nearly complete command of the field; the ammunition waggons had been driven off in the disorder, and the commodore was reduced to a single round of cartridge. He had besides received a severe wound in the thigh. Thus situated, he gave reluctant orders for retreat; and after being carried a short distance, he fell, exhausted with loss of blood. He was soon after taken prisoner, and removed to the enemy's hospital, where he was treated, by the orders of General Ross, with the greatest kindness; and, on his recovery, released on his parole.

       After his victory at Bladensburgh, General Ross marched directly to the capital, and proceeded immediately to burn all the public buildings, library, &c. Then, as now, Washington was merely a diplomatic capital, very thinly populated; and the few inhabitants were unable to make any show of resistance. No comment is necessary on an act which the English nation itself was the first to condemn.

      The division of the enemy's fleet which sailed up the Potomac, consisting of eight sail, was directed to attack Alexandria. That small town surrendered, and obtained a stipulation, upon very ungenerous conditions, that their houses should not be entered or destroyed. Captain Gordon, who was in command, sailed soon after down the river with a fleet of prize vessels taken from the town, and a great amount of property. He received some damage from the batteries lower down, but joined the rest of the squadron in the Chesapeake, and accompanied them in their less successful attacks on Baltimore.

      We think the "City of Monuments," as the last-mentioned town is called, should erect a monument to the memory of Barney.

" Though furled be the banner of blood on the plain,
And rusted the sabre once crimsoned with gore;
Though hushed be the ravens that croaked o'er the slain,
And calmed into silence the battle's loud roar;
Though Peace with her rosy smile gladden the vales,
And Commerce unshackled dance over the wave;
Though Music and Song may enliven the gales,
And Joy crown with roses and myrtle the brave;
Like spirits that start from the sleep of the dead,
Our heroes shall rouse when the 'larum shall blow;
Then Freedom's broad flag on the wind shall be spread,
And Valour's sword flash in the face of the foe.
Our Eagle shall rise 'mid the whirlwinds of war,
And dart through the dun cloud of battle his eye –
Shall spread his wide wings on the tempest afar,
O'er spirits of valour that conquer or die.
And ne'er shall the rage of the conflict be o'er,
And ne'er shall the warm blood of life cease to flow,
And still 'mid the smoke of the battle shall roam
Our Eagle - till scattered and fled be the foe.
When Peace shall disarm War's dark brow of its frown,
And roses shall bloom on the soldier's rude grave –
Then Honour shall weave of the laurel a crown,
That Beauty shall bind on the brow of the brave-"

NOTE: This is a exact copy of the original 1839 text describing the above Print,
from "AMERICAN SCENERY" Volume I, Page 82, Published by
George Virtue, 26 Ivy Lane, London

Sunday, September 29, 2013

NATURAL BRIDE, VIRGINIA... From a 1839 Steel Engraving

Reproduced from a 5" x 7½" Steel Engraving
from a Drawing by W.H. Bartlett

Natural Bridge , is Print # 31 of 53 from Volume II "AMERICAN SCENERY"
or LAND, LAKE, AND RIVER Published in 1839 by George Virtue,
26 Ivy Lane, London


       The description of Jefferson first attracted the attention of travellers to this remarkable spot, unequalled probably in the world. Of recent descriptions the best is that by Miss Martineau, which is so characteristic and interesting, that we can add nothing to it.

" At a mile from the bridge, the road turns off through a wood. While the stage rolled and jolted along the extremely bad road, Mr. L and I went prying about the whole area of the wood, poking our horses' noses into every thicket, and between any two pieces of rock, that we might be sure not to miss our object; the driver smiling after us, whenever he could spare attention from his own not very easy task, of getting his charge along. With all my attention, I could see no precipice, and was concluding to follow the road without any more vagaries, when Mr. L, who was a little in advance, waived his whip, as he stood beside his horse, and said, `Here is the bridge!' I then perceived that we were nearly over it, the piled rocks on either hand forming, a barrier, which prevents a careless eye from perceiving the ravine which it spans.  I turned to the side of the road, and rose in my stirrup to look over; but I found it would not do. I went on to the inn, deposited my horse and returned on foot to the bridge.

" With all my efforts, I could not look down steadily into what seemed the bottom­less abyss, of foliage and shadow. From every point of the bridge I tried, and all in vain. I was heated and extremely hungry, and much vexed at my own weakness. The only way was to go down and look up; though where the bottom could be, was past my; imagining, the view from the top seeming to be of foliage below foliage for ever.

"The way to the glen is through a field opposite the inn, and down a steep, rough, rocky path, which leads under the bridge, and a few yards beyond it. I think the finest view of all is from this path, just before reaching the bridge.  The irregular arch of rock, spanning a chasm of one hundred and sixty feet in height, and from sixty to ninety in width, is exquisitely tinted with every shade of grey and brown; while trees encroach from the sides, and overhang from the top; between which and the arch there is an additional depth of fifty-six feet. It was now early in July; the trees were in their brightest and thickest foliage ; and the tall beeches under the arch contrasted their verdure with the grey rock, and received the gilding of the sunshine, as it slanted into the ravine, glittering in the drip from the arch, and in the splashing and tumbling waters of Cedar Creek, which ran by our feet.  Swallows were flying about under the arch. What others of their tribe can boast, of such a home?

" We crossed and re-crossed the creek on stepping-stones, searching out every spot to which any tradition belonged. Under the arch, thirty feet from the water, the lower part of the letters G. W. may be seen, carved in the rock. When Washington was a young man, he climbed up hither, to leave this record of his visit. There are other inscriptions, of the same kind; and above them a board, on which are painted the names of two persons, who have thought it worth while thus to immortalize their feat of climbing highest. But their glory was but transient, after all. They have been outstripped by a traveller, whose achievement will probably never be rivalled; for he would not have accomplished it, if he could by any means have declined the task. Never was a wonderful deed more involuntarily performed.                There is no dis­paragement to the gentleman in saying this: it is only absolving him from the charge of foolhardiness.

" This young man, named Blacklock, accompanied by two friends, visited the Natural Bridge; and, being seized with the ambition appropriate to the place, of writing his name highest, climbed the rock opposite to the part selected by Washing­ton, and carved his initials. Others have perhaps seen what Mr. Blacklock had over­looked-that it was a place easy to ascend, but from which it is impossible to come down. He was forty feet or more from the path; his footing was precarious; he was weary with holding on, while carving his name, and his head began to swim when he saw the impossibility of getting down again. He called to his companions that his only chance was to climb up upon the bridge, without hesitation or delay. They saw this, and with anguish agreed between themselves that the chance was a very bare one. They cheered him, and advised him to look neither up nor down. On he went, slanting upwards from under the arch, creeping round a projection, on which no foothold is visible from below, and then disappearing in a recess filled up with foliage, Long and long they waited, watching for motion, and listening for crashing among the trees. He must have been now one hundred and fifty feet above them.  At length their eyes were so strained that they could see no more; and they had almost lost all hope.  There was little doubt that he had fallen while behind the trees, where his body would never be found. They went up to try the chance of looking for him from above. They found him lying insensible on the bridge. He could just remember reaching the top, when he immediately fainted. One would like to know whether the accident left him a coward, in respect of climbing, or whether it strengthened his confidence in his nerves."
NOTE:  This is a exact copy of the original 1839 text describing the above Print, from "AMERICAN SCENERY"
Volume II, Page 59, published by George Virtue, 26 Ivy Lane, London


The Pyramid On The U.S. Dollar Bill?

Have you ever noticed the eye and the pyramid on
the U.S. dollar bill? What does the Latin phrase mean?
Tom Horn presents evidence that these are “codes”
and symbols of high-level Freemasons, and their purpose
is to evoke and welcome the coming of the Anti-Christ.

See more at:

Saturday, September 28, 2013

"I Was Skeptical" Testimony

Pastor Rick Shelton
"I Was Skeptical" Testimony
Uploaded on Jun 19, 2011
Rodney Howard Browne Signs & Wonders
Camp Meeting Louisville, Kentucky USA 1994

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"Heavenly Experiences & Visions from a true Man of God."

About This Testimony: 

"Heavenly Experiences & Visions
from a true Man of God."
Henry Gruver walks you across flowers that sing
the praises of the Father and a flowing robe that sings the righteousness of the saints. His 27-minute death experience gives comfort and reassurance
to the redeemed of the Lord. His actual death to experience is followed up later with a supernatural
6 hour encounter in Heaven. This 2 hr. 10 min
audio feels like it lasts only 30 minutes! 

Duration: 2hr 10 min. (3 Tracks)

Friday, September 27, 2013



How do you know whether the supplements you take are right for you? There is a way you can find out. It is called “Muscle Testing” (M-T). In M-T, you ask your body whether the product you take is helpful or not. Thousands of people have found through MT that up to 90% of the supplements they take are useless to them. But you can also do much more with the technique. We refer to an inexpensive manual. It explains M-T in great detail and how people can test each other.  For the source of this information write to: Scoopified, PO Box 277, Bellingham, WA 98227

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Has anyone ever told you that God loves you and that He has a wonderful plan for your life?

I have a real quick, but important question to ask you. If you were to die this very second do you know for sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you would go to Heaven? 

(If “Yes” Great, why would you say “Yes”? (If they respond with anything but ”I have Jesus in my heart” or something similar to that, PROCEED WITH SCRIPT) or “NO” or “I hope so” PROCEED WITH SCRIPT.) 

Let me quickly share with you what the Holy Bible reads. It reads “for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” and “for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. The Bible also reads, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”. And you’re a “whosoever” right? Of course you are; all of us are.

I’m going to say a quick prayer for you. Lord, bless (Insert Name) and his/her family with long and healthy lives. Jesus, make Yourself real to him/her and do a quick work in his/her heart. If (Insert Name) has not received Jesus Christ as his/her Lord and Savior, I pray he/she will do so now. 
(Insert Name) If you would like to receive the gift that God has for you today, say this after me with your heart and lips out loud.

Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive me of my sin. Wash me and cleanse me. Set me free. Jesus, thank You that You died for me. I believe that You are risen from the dead and that You’re coming back again for me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Give me a passion for the lost, a hunger for the things of God and a holy boldness to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I’m saved; I’m born again, I’m forgiven and I’m on my way to Heaven because I have Jesus in my heart. 

As a As a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I tell you today 
that all your sins are forgiven. Always remember to run to God 
and NOT from Him because He loves you and has a great
plan for your life.

This Script was created and is available from: 
Revival Ministries International, 
P.O. Box 292888, Tampa, FL 33687 
(813) 971-9999 ­ Log on to:

Click on Soulwinning Tools To Download 
the Power Evangelism SOUL-WINNING PACKET
River on Demand is available 24/7 @: 
Click on Webcast & River on Demand.
Sunday Morning Service are @: 10:00 am on 
RTN Webcast go to: click on:
Webcast & RTN Webcast



           High blood pressure seems to be an everlasting  health problem these days. Most people with high blood pressure resort to dangerous prescription drugs. The side-effects can be worse than the disorder itself. However, there are many natural foods and wholesale supplements that are much more desirable than drugs. This 4 page report contains a collection of safe and natural remedies.  For the source of this information write to: Scoopified, PO Box 277, Bellingham, WA 98227

Wednesday, September 25, 2013



From a Steel Engraving   


   The Asian mountain people eating this bread are among the healthiest people on earth. They have no cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, or any other disorders to speak of. The men are straight, tall broad-shouldered, deep-chested, slim-wasted, heavy-legged, and have a full head of hair. The women are graceful, slim-wasted, have well developed bosoms, perfect complexion and luxurious hair. At 80 they look no older than Western women of 40 or 50 men an women have perfect teeth and eyesight even at 100 or older. They are neat, clean, intelligent and friendly, And you can’t find an overweight person. Because their bread provides superb nourishment it is a natural and powerful appetite regulator. It does away with false cravings and enables the body to only sense true hunger. Some historians believe that this bread was the backbone for Alexander’s far traveled armies. You an make this delicious gluten-free bread in your kitchen without a bread machine. 
For the source of this information write to: Scoopified, PO Box 277, Bellingham, WA 98227

Sunday, September 22, 2013


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Is it possible to reverse cancer cells?  Know anyone who has cancer?
What MD’s and Naturopaths Don’t Want You To Know.
Is it possible that cancer is not a disease...
and is a symptom of a body deficiency?
Every person with or without cancer needs to read this!
Wouldn’t the delusional physicians and the big pharmacology swindlers be embarrassed to find that cancer could be cured with nothing more complicated than ordinary baking soda?  Well, no they wouldn’t be embarrassed they would be outraged! All of those billions in profits vanishing in a twinkle. These betrayers of Mankind would not be at all happy with such a simple cancer cure. And yet, cancer can be cured with nothing more complicated than ordinary baking soda. And I will explain how. For a FREE 8-page report on the truth about cancer, that you can copy and give to everyone you know, especially those who have cancer... Send for this important and special report NOW.  Send Name, Address & Email to:

Saturday, September 21, 2013


         There are still plenty of job opportunities with high earnings potential that do not require a bachelor's degree. One in six full-time salaried workers without a bachelor's degree is earning $900 or more a week, which is close to the medium for college graduates. Report lists over 100 of the highest paying occupations Of course, there are other factors to consider in a career choice which are analyzed as well. Non-degree opportunities do exist. Reference to source only.  For the source of this information write to: Scoopified, PO Box 277, Bellingham, WA 98227


Handbook of vital records for Attorneys and welfare workers. Here is an inside look at the rules and procedures used by vital records offices. Dealing with bureaucrats is always easier if the "unknowns" are known beforehand, and this handy book has all the details: Confidential nature of birth certificates; How to obtain official transcripts of birth certificates; Alterations made on birth certificates; Adoption, legitimization, and adjudication of paternity; Legal changes of name; Delayed certificates of birth; Where to write for birth, death, marriage and divorce records - state by state; etc. Whether you are looking for your "roots", trying to create new ones, or are involved in a custody mater, this handbook will offer many of the answers you need first. Reference to source of this inexpensive book only. 
For the source of this information write to: Scoopified, PO Box 277, Bellingham, WA 98227

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This account exposes the truth about how the practice of medicine in america has been hijacked to balloon profits of those who benefit from the misery of others. The authors present facts about how Americans are being deprived of effective, economical treatments because these treatments are not profitable for doctors and pharmaceutical companies, and lured into dangerous drugs that kill and maim, all without any liability on the part of the perpetrators. Armed with these facts you can protect yourself and help to change our healthcare system. We refer to retail sources only. Internet access helpful.


When the Spanish conquistador Cortez ravaged the Aztecs in the 1520', he was shocked and intrigued to discover the aged Montezuma II reveling in the pastime of a royal harem. He discovered that the basis for his royal pleasure was an aphrodisiac brew forbidden to all but the court. The long forgotten formula of this exotic potion was rediscovered in the archives of the Vatican, and has since become an underground bestseller. Available online only. Plus, other outstanding aphrodisiac in the report. For information send your name, address & phone # to: