Sunday, October 20, 2013


Seed Money
Working The Law Of Ten Fold Return
By Jon P. Speller, D.D., 1965; edited and appended 2004 by Emily Cragg

ONE: Introduction
Within the last fifty years many thousands of people have read John Hoshor's wonderful, SEED MONEY: THE LAW OF TENFOLD RETURN AND HOW IT WORKS. They have grasped the scientific principle behind the Seed Money Formula and have successfully applied it in their daily lives to end their money troubles. Others have not, for various reasons. This book is to help people get to prosperity, who didn't get it the first time.

John Hoshor wrote: "Let us imagine that we have $50 in U.S. currency. We could put the money in a savings bank and it would return us approximately $2 a year. We could buy a mortgage certificate and get a return of $3 or even $4 a year. Or we might use the money to buy a share or, depending on the price, several shares of stock in some corporation, perhaps get dividends and, provided we bought at the right time and sold at the right time, make a profit on the transaction."

"Of course, we could also use the $50 for food, rent, clothing, books, tools or for other needs or just for pleasure. . . . That is why money is the medium of exchange.It can be used for many things."

"One of the things for which money can be used--which at this writing is not generally known--is as SEED MONEY. This means that we can so use money that we reap a harvest of multiplied money."

Here are a few of the blocks that some people have had using the Seed Money Principle.

A retired man called me long-distance from California. He said that he has read SEED MONEY, followed the formula faithfully, but could not get a return. It seemed that his greatest joy in retirement was driving his car on vacation. One day the old car just gave out--it couldn't go another mile and it had to be towed to a wrecking yard. For two months the man tried to use Seed Money to demonstrate enough money to buy a new car. He gave his Seed Money to his Church, believing he would get a tenfold return. But nothing happened.

He seemed to understand the principle clearly and to have complete faith in its workings.He puzzled me for a while. Then he said, "I better hang up. The call costs too much filthy money."

I asked, "Why do you say that money is filthy?"

His reply gave me the answer to his failure to receive his tenfold return: "Isn't money the root of all evil?" [1 Tim 6:10] he asked.

I told him: "The Bible doesn't say that 'money is the root of all evil.' It says,
'the love of money is the root of all evil,' and even that needs explanation. In Biblical days money as we know it today was very seldom used. Most exchanges were on the barter system. A carpenter would exchange a table for some bushes of grapes. A farmer would exchange grain for clothing, and so on. Money, in gold and silver, was only used for large transactions.

Today money is a universal medium of exchange for all goods and services. When we fix it firmly in our minds that the service that money provides is different from the love of gain, profit and advantage, then we can positively view money as a tool, not as a goad or something to hoard.

The Bible says you 'cannot serve God and mammon.' [Luke 16:13] Mammon represents hoarded money--that which is not placed into circulation. Money in circulation is God in action. Money which is hoarded is useless, for money is merely the medium of exchange.

I said to the man who called me, "You have had a hatred of money because you thought it was evil. Since like attracts like, you have attracted the hatred of money back to you, returned you no good even for the good you have done."

"Don't think of money as a dead object of greed. Think of it as a living means of acquiring your needs--good for yourself and for others. Right now, money should represent for you the car that will give you mobility and options--both of which are good."

He thanked me and two weeks later I heard from him again. "It's marvelous," he said with great joy in his voice. "I received my tenfold return. Yesterday my married daughter drove up from Los Angeles in her Volkswagen. She gave me the keys, telling me that her husband had just bought her a new station wagon so that they and their children could go on camping trips in the mountains. She knew that my old car had given out, so instead of selling the Volkswagen, she gave it to me."

"Wonderful," I said.
You know," he said, "once I realized that it wasn't money for money's sake that I wanted but the good I could buy with it, I overcame that mental block. The Volkswagen is worth even more than ten times my Seed Money, and on top of that it doesn't use as much as my old car--I can travel much farther for the same money."

This is just one illustration how a person's changing their concept of money enables the use of the Seed Money Principle.

Every creative act begins with a thought. Have you been thinking of money as evil? Or, have you been thinking of money as the good that it represents and manifests in your life?

John Hoshor wrote: "Just how do we plant seed money? What happens when we do plant it? . . . We give it to our Church or to a hospital, school or college or to any of the Social Service organizations which subsist on donations. Or, if we do wish, we could give it to any needy person, friend or stranger."

Then we follow a specific mental formula derived from the Great Teacher and proven absolutely true and dependable by such financial giants as the first John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Julius Rosenwald, Andrew Mellon and others of great wealth."

Here’s an example of what you will say if you seeded $50:
The above is an excerpt from the 1965 "Seed Money" 
Working The Law Of Ten Fold Return. To receive the link to the abbreviated 42 Page version of the SEED MONEY E-Book send an e-mail to:
In 1986 an enlarged and revised SEED MONEY IN ACTION by Dr. Jon Speller was published by Morning Star Chapel & Press. This work was subsequently revised as The Classic SEED MONEY IN ACTION by Dr. Jon Speller and Rev. Kathleen Shedaker of Morning Star Chapel and Press, and is at present exclusively available as an e-book distributed by Joe Vitale's Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. Rev. Dr. Speller and Rev. Shedaker are currently completing the final revision of The Classic SEED MONEY IN ACTION for paperback print form that reflects Dr. Speller's notable global inter-faith stature on behalf of peace and prosperity for about half a century.

To apply the above principal of sowing & reaping in your own life... and receive a tenfold return on every gift or seed you plant.   Click on this link... MMGEG.

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